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How to Achieve a Polished Concrete Floor

A concrete slab does not have to look ordinarily drab. You can actually make the extra effort to create a polished concrete floor look. And there are different ways to get that clean and shiny look. Not only will you help with the floor's protection but it can also make the concrete flooring look more pleasant. In addition, after the grinding and polishing job, you will end up with an easier to clean surface. Here's how to create that reflective surface on an otherwise dull and drab concrete floor.

Determine if the floor is ready for grinding

New concrete has to be able to set about four weeks or more to become appropriate for grinding. If you have an old floor though, you need to make sure that it is free from bumps and depressions. A little or shallow imperfection may be alright but if your concrete floor is heavily damaged, it may not be suitable for grinding and polishing. The damage will only be much more emphasized once the floor is cleaned and polished. Before you can grind the floor, determine if it calls for some patching work.

Repair the floor accordingly

If the concrete floor has visible and deep holes, make sure to patch them with new cement. Do the appropriate procedures for concrete floor repair. The patches need to settle completely before you proceed with the grinding work. Allow anywhere between 1 and 2 days before you make an attempt to grind and polish it.

Choose between a dry or wet method

There are basically two methods in the process of grinding and polishing. You can do the procedure wet or dry. With the wet method, you need to use water as lubricant to allow easy rotation of the diamond grinding blades. In this process, there is less friction against the grinder and the floor which means there is less stress of the disk. The biggest downside though is that this method entails a lot of mess.

The second method is the dry grinding. There are special equipments used here. These are the machines designed to control the mess and collect the dirt and debris from the floor as you work. But some people do both methods with the dry grinding first and the wet grinding for the final polishing.

Before you decide which particular method to opt for, make sure that you have the right equipment for the job. And you do not have to buy one because these polishing equipments are particularly expensive. You can simply rent them to create a polished concrete floor look.

Work in circles

Make sure you understand how the grinder works. The diamond sanding disk has to be attached to the grinder. Start with the coarse disks first for the initial stages to free the floor from grime, dirt and debris. For the final finishing, you can switch to the finer grit disk until you achieve the desired sheen and polished concrete floor. Also, make sure you work the concrete grinder moving it in a circular pattern for better results.

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